dilluns, 8 de novembre del 2010


The skeleton Dance, danced to fifth level.

DANCE BONES from Escola Lumen on Vimeo.

Fifth level sing Trick or treat, it's scared!!!

TRICK OR TREAT from Escola Lumen on Vimeo.

Teather: Scary scenes.

ENGLISH TEATHER from Escola Lumen on Vimeo.

dimecres, 21 d’abril del 2010



English avatars

Eva 4th

Irene 4th

Aitor 4th

Jennifer 4th

Oriol 4th

Caroline 4th

Oliver 4th

Marina 3rd

Enola 3rd

Xavi 3rd


Judith 2nd

Michael 2nd

Veronica 2nd

Ferran P-4

dilluns, 12 d’abril del 2010

Move like an emu moves!

New fish at the reef!

A fish tale

diumenge, 11 d’abril del 2010

Webquest about sharks

Jclic Animals

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